
架构师审查模型.获奖 网赌的十大网站建筑学院 职业投资计划 provides financing for undergraduate and graduate student assistantships on-campus and professional internships off-campus with 公司, 组织和政府. 的 网赌的十大网站建筑学院 职业投资计划 links students, 大学, 公司, 组织, 政府和资助者在这个过程中:

  • supports RWU educational goals balancing study, service and work experiences
  • establishes financial support for discipline-based assistantships and internships on and  off-campus
  • advances relationships between 大学 and external partners for mutual benefit

的 program makes use of catalytic start-up financial investment utilizing federal, university and donor funds in support of student work with faculty and experiences with external corporate, 非营利组织和政府合作伙伴, 和艺术家. Students take up compelling research and professional experiences as they transition toward advanced study and career placements.



  • 本科 Work Study and other funded assignments with faculty and staff  
  • 研究生 Assistantship and other funded assignments with faculty, as well as with Roger Williams initiatives including the 社区合作中心 and the 宏观项目和外交中心


  • 本科 Work Study and other funded assignments with leading 公司 in the region, and at sites in-between semesters where students live or may seek placements
  • 研究生 placements and other funded assignments with leading 公司 and 组织 in the region, 美国及海外


的 职业投资计划 is funded at the undergraduate and graduate levels through Federal Work Study and university funds. Donor support of a Career Investment Fund enriches undergraduate and graduate student opportunities. 薪酬水平如下:

  • 本科 students receiving Federal Work Study awards are paid at $11.50 per hour for up to 174 hours or approximately $2000 per year. 4年资格
  • 本科3rd or 4th 职业投资实习生的年薪是11美元.50 per hour for up to 174 hours / approximately $2000 per year. Students who do not receive Federal Work Study awards are eligible one time while pursuing an undergraduate degree.
  • 研究生 students are paid at $20 per hour for up to 200 hours or approximately $4000 per year. Funding is pro-rated when students may be enrolled part time.


职业投资计划 opportunities are available to students for Off-Campus placements and On-Campus placements from 1 July-30 June, 以财政年度为周期. This calendar allows utilization of funds for student placements prior to and in-between the Fall and Spring semesters, which dramatically increases off-campus engagement possibilities. 的 calendar also makes placements possible either closer to home or at other sites nationally or internationally between semesters.



  • 詹斯勒,上海
  • Safdie建筑事务所,上海
  • 3 six0,普罗维登斯
  • 加入公司. / Stantec,波士顿
  • ACTWO Architects, Wayland, MA
  • AJA Architects + Design Build, MA
  • 联合工厂,波特兰,俄勒冈州
  • Amenta Emma建筑事务所,哈特福德
  • 建筑公司,纽约
  • 布拉德福德公司,普罗维登斯
  • BRB建筑事务所,纽约
  • 布鲁斯特·桑顿集团,普罗维登斯
  • Brian Healy建筑事务所,波士顿
  • Centerbrook Architects and Planning, CT
  • designLAB,波士顿
  • DiBattisto Architects, CT
  • 爱德华·罗斯建筑事务所,普罗维登斯
  • Ellenzweig,剑桥
  • 埃尔库斯·曼弗雷迪,波士顿
  • Evelyn Audet照明设计,RI
  • Frank Karpowicz architects, RI
  • Gary Moyer建筑师,麻省
  • 古迪·克兰西,波士顿
  • 布里斯托尔GMI建筑事务所
  • Gray Organschi建筑事务所,纽黑文
  • HOK,纽约
  • 克林·斯塔宾斯,波士顿
  • Kohn Pedersen Fox,纽约
  • 空白设计,天意
  • LLB建筑事务所,帕塔基特
  • MASS Design,波士顿
  • 蜿蜒工作室,麻萨诸塞州
  • Nalls Architects, PA
  • 纽曼建筑事务所,纽黑文
  • 东北合作建筑师,RI, CT
  • Oysterworks LLC, RI
  • Ralph Fey建筑师,宾夕法尼亚州
  • 鲁尔·沃克,波士顿
  • 佐佐木,波士顿
  • 蒂弗顿中心16号
  • Truthbox建筑事务所,普罗维登斯
  • 瑟罗小建筑,帕塔基特
  • 联合工作室,普罗维登斯
  • Ventrone Architecture LLC, RI
  • Vision3 Architects,普罗维登斯
  • 沃迪科+邦德,剑桥
  • Zubatkin业主代理有限责任公司,纽约


  • 美国建筑师协会,罗德岛
  • Beverly Willis建筑基金会,纽约
  • 布里斯托尔的布利斯世界大厦和花园
  • 布里斯托尔Coggeshall农场博物馆
  • 历史悠久的新英格兰,波士顿
  • 布里斯托尔林登广场
  • 保留罗德岛,普罗维登斯
  • 纽波特国立美国插画博物馆
  • 国家历史保护信托基金
  • 邻居公司黑石谷,Woonsocket
  • 新港艺术博物馆,新港
  • 新港修复基金会
  • 新港县保护协会
  • 普罗维登斯保护协会
  • RISD艺术博物馆
  • 国际扶轮部状况. 设施管理
  • 新港三一教堂*

前面提到的公司, 组织和政府 entities have hosted 职业投资计划 paid interns to date.


  • 架构库
  • 宏观项目和外交中心
  • 社区合作中心
  • 网赌的十大网站建筑学院